
Thursday, 15 December 2011



Small group classes, starting 3rd January 2012, Tuesday 1-2pm and Thursday 7-8pm.  6 week course for £60

Group class , with emphasis on how to train safely, for 15-18 year olds, starting 3rd January 2012, Tuesday 5-6pm. 6 week course for £45.

Rehabilitation circuit class, set up for sufferers of chronic back pain, starting Saturday 7th January 2012. Led by chartered physiotherapist.  Gentle sessions, with focus on reduction of pain and recovery. Saturday 10-11am 6 week course £60.

Small group class, led by chartered physiotherapist in local pool.  Ideal for injury recovery or low impact exercise.  Starts Tuesday 10th of January 10.15 - 10.45.


Combination of nutrition, physical therapy and guided relaxation over a period of 4 weeks.  FIRST 10 PEOPLE TO BOOK IN FOR THE IBS SUPPORT PROGRAMME BY THE END OF JANUARY 2012 WILL RECEIVE THE FULL PROGRAMME HALF PRICE!

For further information or booking see or email or call 01372 458984


Merry Christmas from all at Fine Fettle and hoping you all remain in "fine fettle" for 2012.

Thursday, 18 August 2011

FREE BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS - Know your own numbers!!

  18th August 2011


Fine Fettle will be warning the general public that ‘Ignorance isn’t always bliss’ as it urges everyone to get their free blood pressure check during this year’s Know your Numbers! Week (12-18 September).

Fine Fettle Multi-healthcare in Bookham, Surrey is among over 1,500 official ‘Pressure Stations’ taking part in the nation’s biggest blood pressure testing event run by UK charity the Blood Pressure Association.

A shocking 1 in 3 adults has high blood pressure and a third of them have no idea as it has no symptoms. That’s around 5 million people whose lives are actually at risk because they don’t know their numbers.

Research from the Blood Pressure Association has revealed that almost three quarters of adults do not know their own blood pressure numbers. High blood pressure nearly always has no symptoms and for many people is ‘out of sight and out of mind’, but its effects can be devastating. It’s the UK’s biggest silent killer, being responsible for 60% of strokes and 40% of heart attacks. If it is detected though, it can be successfully managed.

Fine Fettle and the Blood Pressure Association are warning that ‘Ignorance really isn’t always bliss’. Adults should know their blood pressure numbers in the same way they know their height and weight and the only way to find out what they are is to have a blood pressure check. A quick, painless test can mean the difference between life and death or serious disability.

Fine Fettle will be offering free blood pressure checks at:

Fine Fettle Multi-healthcare, Rayleigh House, 32 High Street, Bookham, Surrey on Monday 12th September – 0900-1700

Thursday 15th September – 0900 - 1300

Friday 16th September – 1400-1800

Paul Newman, Chief Executive of the Blood Pressure Association, says,

“We are delighted Fine Fettle Multi-healthcare is taking part in Know your Numbers! Week 2011. Every organisation that takes part helps to emphasise the importance of knowing your blood pressure numbers and by offering the free checks could really be saving lives.”

“During this year’s campaign, we’re stressing the fact that ‘Ignorance isn’t always bliss’. High blood pressure is a dangerous condition when not managed and we hope everyone will take advantage of the free blood pressure checks to lower their risk of stroke and heart attack.”

To find out more about the campaign visit the Know your Numbers! website at

If you have a question about high blood pressure and would like to speak to someone over the phone, call the Blood Pressure Association’s Information Line on 0845 241 0989.


Notes to Editors:

• For more information on Know your Numbers! Week, call 020 8772 4980/4997/4992, or email

• To contact the Blood Pressure Association Press Office, call Claire McLoughlin on 020 8772 4992 or email

• For further information on Fine Fettle Multi-healthcare to arrange for your reporter to have their blood pressure checked, or for a photo or interview, please contact Helen Bullen at Fine Fettle Multi-healthcare on/at 01372 458984 or

• The Blood Pressure Association is the UK’s leading blood pressure charity working to lower the nation’s blood pressure. The charity provides information and support for people with high blood pressure and raises awareness to prevent the condition. For more information visit the charity’s main website at, or call 020 8772 4994.

• Fine Fettle Multi-healthcare provides a wide variety of complementary treatments all on one site. Our aim is to provide a one-stop centre where clients can choose or seek advice on a particular therapy for any condition or need. Fine Fettle offers a variety of therapies including: Osteopathy, Sports Massage, Acupuncture, Pilates, Personal Training, Therapeutic Massage, Hypnotherapy, Reflexology, Nutrition, Homeopathy and Counselling.

Facts about blood pressure from UK charity the Blood Pressure Association:

• One in three adults in the UK – 16 million – has high blood pressure. A third of these (5 million) don’t know they have the condition.

• High blood pressure has no obvious signs or symptoms. The only way to find out if you have the condition is to have a blood pressure check.

• Untreated high blood pressure is the major risk factor for stroke and heart attack. It is also a risk factor for heart and kidney disease and vascular dementia.

• A healthy blood pressure is a level of 120/80mmHg or less. If readings are consistently at or above 140/90mmHg, high blood pressure is diagnosed, and action should be taken to lower it.

• You can lower your blood pressure by having a healthier lifestyle, and, if necessary, by taking medication as directed by your doctor.

The Blood Pressure Association’s ‘Top five tips for a healthy blood pressure’:

1. Cut down on salt – don’t add it when cooking or at the table and check food labels to make sure you don’t eat more than 6g a day.

2. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables – at least five different portions every day

3. Watch your weight – try to reach the right weight for your height.

4. Exercise regularly – that doesn’t have to mean the gym, how about a regular lunchtime walk? 30 minutes five times a week is ideal, but if you are unsure about taking up exercise and how much, ask your GP..

5. Drink alcohol in moderation – no more than 3-4 units a day for men and no more than 2-3 units for women (a pint of normal strength beer = 2 units, a medium glass of wine = 2 units).

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Less Heel Strike

Well its 4 months now since I started "experimenting" with forefoot running.  As mentioned in my last blog this is report is not in any way a scientific research piece.  Rather an average runner trying to understand the mechanics behind this new "craze"

So for 4 months I have been running in my Mizuno trainers which have less built up support and firstly I have to say I love them.  I find them really comfortable which was a surprise if I am honest after years of built up "comfy" looking trainers.  Trying to run on my forefoot has however proved a little more tricky as I can't naturally land that far forward when I run and when tired my left foot starts to do it own thing!!  I think my speed is too slow for forefoot, so early on I decided to consider my running as "less heel strike" instead.  My stride has shortened and I keep my feet underneath me rather than throwing my feet forward ahead of me and breaking my forward momentum.  I have found hills less difficult (nearly wrote much easier there!!) as I feel the shorter stride with feet under the body makes me fall forward increasing my forward momentum.  I also find that up hills I really concentrate on my running form so this distracts me from the pain (nearly wrote enjoyment there!!)

So I am a convert, perhaps not to forefoot running in the pure form but I know that the compression forces that used to be put through my knees have lessened and I have actually found running easier.

My next challenge is the Badger Half Marathon and to date I have gone up to 9 miles in preparation.  I still have 10 weeks so I will gradually train with my own " Less heel strike" foot pattern.  Perhaps I will knock off half an hour......realistically I dont intend for a fast (for me) run but rather a pain free run.

Bring on the hills.

Will update you all on my training log soon.

Any stories of your experiences of forefoot please share!

Friday, 27 May 2011

Fine Fettle Massage Therapist Walks for Charity

One of our massage therapists has been busy of late, using legs instead of hands - to get over the finishing line of the MoonWalk London. 13 miles through the streets of London, during the night of 14th May to the early hours of May 15th, raising money and awareness for breast cancer. Caroline seen here with Katie Adderley and Vanessa Legg, after setting a leisurely pace, sightseeing on the way and indulging in the occasional nutritional midnight snack.

Caroline (centre of picture) is looking forward now to next initiative of encouraging women golfers, from golf clubs of the surrounding areas, to look after their bodies, as much as their golf equipment, during the busiest and most demanding part of the golfing calendar - the summer. And obviously not forgetting the men, with gift vouchers available for treatments, especially with Father's Day and all those summer birthdays on the horizon.

Contact Caroline at Fine Fettle on 01373 458984 for information or to book a treatment.

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Princess Alice Hospice Virgin London Marathon

For the past 3 years, Usha Christmas has supported the Princess Alice Hospice at the London Marathon; attending their pre-race meetings and providing on the day post event massage to the runners.

Congratulations to all those 17 wonderful individuals who generously raised £37k for the Princess Alice Hospice by running the Virgin London Marathon 2011.

Usha Christmas (MSST) is a fully insured Sports Therapy Practitioner and a registered member of the Society of Sports Therapists (SST).

To book in for treatment with Usha call Fine Fettle on 01372 458984

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Fine Fettle succeeds in local business awards....

We are really proud to announce that Fine Fettle MHC was the Runner Up in the local Chamber of Commerce Business awards.  We are also delighted to announce that Helen Bullen (founder of Fine Fettle) was awarded Runner Up in the Business Personality Award.

All in all a fantastic achievement for the team at Fine Fettle and a perfect way to celebrate our 1st Anniversary of our opening.  We were competing against 70 other well established businesses for the awards so absolutely delighted in the final result. 

Helen being still very competitive from her Volleyball now champing at the bit to get the first prize next year!!  Second was never an option in her sporting days and nothing has changed.

 Pictured are Helen from "Fine Fettle" (Left) and Nicky from "Run to Live" (Right) with their "personality awards"!! Nicky was a worthy winner of the award and we both very glad its official that we have personalities!!

Please feel free to pop in and meet both Helen and the therapists at Fine Fettle on our 1st Anniversary celebrations on Tuesday 26th April from 11-3pm.  We would love to meet you and everyone gets a money off voucher that attends on the day.

Monday, 18 April 2011

Muddy Moles

Thank you to Dave for this great testimonial for Fine Fettle.

Hoping to meet more Muddy Moles soon!!

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Fine Fettle Nominated for Business Awards

Well its been a good week at Fine Fettle, with the sun shining, our patients numbers ever increasing and then the notification that Fine Fettle has been short listed for:

1.  "Local Business of the Year"


2.  Helen Bullen Owner/Osteopath for "Local Business Personality of the Year"

We would like to thank all our clients that have supported us over our first year in Bookham and look forward to the Awards Ceremony on Thursday 7th April 2011.  We are definitely keeping our fingers crossed - feel free to do the same!!

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Fore Foot Running

As promised I have decided to blog about my attempt to change my definite heel strike running gait to fore foot strike instead. I would firstly and most importantly I like to say this will not be a scientific account and should not be taken as advice or recommendation. I will however endeavour to read around the subject and use my knowledge of bio mechanics to discuss and debate the issue on a higher level each time I blog.

I am an Osteopath and a recreational runner and have often wondered about the in depth bio mechanics of running.  As a student we were taught by a non runner but someone who logically went through bio mechanics of gait but in the main during the walking phase.  To those of you who have done some bio mechanics of both walking and running you will know that the phases and mechanics of both are very different.  Add into the mix, weight, sex, posture, previous injuries, other sports undertaken , shoes, foot arches, pelvic mechanics etc etc and you start to realise that the straight bio mechanics is ever changeable and never simple to state as absolute for all.  It is for that reason that I find it hard to read books that state how the body reacts during movement as the norm for everyone, when I believe there have to be anatomical differences that change each person bio mechanics.

As a  keen runner and as an Osteopath that treats a lot of runners from sprinters to ultra runners I have to admit that over the last year my urge to learn more to provide even better treatment to runners ( I am pretty hot already!!), has increased. So last night I ventured out to my first seminar on the subject of biomechanics and running by Dr Paul Barrett an expert in the subject.

During the evening it was reported that 80% of distance runners were rear foot strikers  (Kerr et al, 1983)and Elite sprinters have only forefoot contact.  Although this information was given I did note the date of this research at 1983, hardly up to date.  I am also a highly trained Osteopath with an underlying belief that if 80% of us run that way then perhaps that is the natural form.  I do however want to challenge my beliefs hence this trial on myself and if I am honest I would give anything to be faster!!

What interested me most about the evening was the impact force that runners that heel strike put through their talus (bone that joins the foot to the leg bones) and that heel strike blocks the forward momentum of the runner. So in my non Osteopathic head I instantly thought if I could just run through my forefoot I would instantly run 6 minute miles!!!! (currently 10 minute miler!)  My Osteopathic head started to consider all the runners to whom I had noted restricted talus articulation and the techniques I currently use to address this. Was forefoot running something I should consider more carefully.

So today I went straight out and started to run with my impression of a forefoot gait inspired but lacking any real knowledge.  Again in my non Osteopathic head I gave no thought to the muscles, especially my calf muscles  and achilles and the change in their use, I just wanted to try it. I would have given one of my patients a telling of if they had done that!.  I actually have to admit that I really enjoyed the run.  I did choose a fairly flat route, my first careful decision, but then I just played with it and to be honest the time on the run just flew by as my concentration was directed to my feet rather than worries of the day or aches and pains. The only side affect was being almost unable to climb the steps at work today as both my calves and quads are wondering what has hit them. Again I am now thinking thin thighs!! Now I really have lost it.  As I write this I can also feel my gluteals lets hope I'm walking in the morning.

Speaking of aches and pains I think I should give a little of my sporting background.  I played National League Division 1 Volleyball for over 15 years and as such my knees have been overused over this time with I am sure the early signs of osteoarthritis.  This results in knees that I treat very carefully and make sure that I get my pelvis and muscles that surround the knee treated on a regular basis.  This has allowed me to continue my much loved running but I had noticed that the regularity of knee pain during my runs had increased of late.  For those interested I am now 43 and as such retired from serious volleyball.

So imagine my surprise when once I started the forefoot (I use that term lightly until I really learn the technique) running I had no anterior knee pain and didn't have any post run which has fairly much become normality for me these days.  Now although that may sound like magic it was the first day and if I was doing this as a proper research base there was no control or blind trial (trying to remember the skills of my dissertation days!!) so perhaps it was just a good day for the knees? Watch this space.

Over the next few weeks I intend to build up the length of time I use this type of gait.  I do not however plan to run "barefoot" as I regularly run through mud, dog muck, horse manure, thorns etc etc and as much as I would like to do this trial proud I have no intention of taking off my trainers for anyone!.  I know some of you will be yelling at me that my trainers could be restricting my movement and I am not getting the full effect but just let me try my way.  I am a neutral runner, as is my shoe so in theory I just have less proprioception and more support and most importantly a water/poo proof cover.

As to a training plan...well that is proving hard to find so I shall use my knowledge of training and try to add a mile every couple of weeks.I will remain running at least 4 times a week but will not use the new gait on every or during all of a run. As a keen runner I am unwilling to give up my level of fitness so will continue to average about 25 miles a week, hopefully increasing once muscles are strengthened.   I will update you when I have a full plan arranged.  If anyone has one they would like to recommend just send it to and I'll give it close consideration. Otherwise I am dredging up my knowledge from gym instructor days.  I would also like to experiment and not follow what has already been done.  Lastly on my training plan I am also aware that I should try to lose some weight, at least half a stone to take some of the force off my forefoot, so I may well blog on that too!!

Finally for those on twitter you may have seen that some how I am being goaded into completing a half iron man...well just to let you know THAT AIN'T GOING TO HAPPEN but I do think that perhaps I need some sort of finale to my training blog so will be considering a race to enter where I try to run the whole way with my new style, just need to work out time scale. Better also prepare myself to accept my prize for first female crossing the line with my new found speed!! ha ha ha.  May just enter the over 85 group and hope I am the only entrant.

Love to hear all your feedback and thank you to all on twitter today for you inspiration.  I have books arriving that you have recommended so will update my thoughts when I have read them. Anyone have any research papers to recommend then just let me know and I can review them.

Feel free to check my credentials out at  

Helen Bullen
BSc (Hons) Osteopathic Medicine
10 minute miler!!


Friday, 11 March 2011

Vernon Kay joins the London Warriers

Following the ITV2 Vernon Kay, Under Pressure series....Vernon Kay, TV and Radio Presenter has now signed for the London Warriors (Seniors) American Football Team.

Usha Christmas, a Sports Therapist at Fine Fettle who was involved in that show is also the Head Trainer for the London Warriors (Seniors).  Watch this space for more news on  Usha's work with the London Warriors.

Monday, 28 February 2011

Nutrition and Fitness Seminar

Fine fettle’s Nutritional Therapist Helen Williams and Personal Trainer Kim Raine who runs Fine fettle’s boot camps have organised another weight loss seminar to be held on Saturday 5th March at the beautiful Manor House Spa hotel near Guildford.

Balanced Fat Loss Seminars

Everything you need to know for the body you want.

How do you feel about your body and health right now?

Would you like to change but don’t know how?

Are you fed up with being misled and confused with all of the different information we are bombarded with?

Then join us for a day that covers fast and easy weight loss from all angles- mind, body and soul. It’s packed full of information and motivation. This is the day that will get you ready and raring to live life. A totally unique approach, as far as we know no-one else offers this total package.

Our last day in January was a phenomenal success:

In an email from Val – attended seminar Jan 2011

“By the way I have lost over a stone and gone down at least

1 dress size, some smaller clothes fit and I was bulging out of

the bigger size! People are starting to notice,

even my 14 yr old students who would not notice if a gorilla

walked into the classroom! It’s amazing!”

We still have places available for our next seminar on Saturday March 5th.

Join Helen Williams, Nutritional therapist and motivational weight loss coach, Kim Raine, Personal Trainer and creator of the F.A.S.T body transformation blueprint and Francesca Stutely Hypnotherapy and NLP coach as they guide you step by step through the facts and fallacies of weight loss and share with you the proven, practical and super-powerful techniques they use to generate amazing results for their clients FAST!

The only requirement to attend this mind blowing day is your commitment.

If you are ready to take control of your body and health and have had enough of being stuck in a rut then join us on March 5th.

From the friendships and support that were born on our previous seminars we have also set up a members only site full of helpful content so that all attendees can stay in touch with us and each other to carry on with their positive attitudes and have ongoing support and advice.

If you cannot make March 5th then please visit our website and register for a free “Secrets of Easy Fat Loss” full of tips you can use now. We’ll also let you know when further seminar dates are confirmed.


Balanced Fat Loss Seminar for Men

Want to know more?

Check out our website

Or contact Kim on 07594 806576 or Helen on 07731 865141

So what do you say? Are you ready to change?

Only YOU can make 2011 YOUR year!

Friday, 11 February 2011

Fine Fettle Therapists and "Vernon Kay Under Pressure" ITV 2 Wed 16th February

Mel Healy, Sports Therapist and Head of Rehabilitation at Fine Fettle Multi healthcare, and Usha Christmas Sports Therapist at Fine Fettle multi-healthcare have been working hard through all types of weather with Vernon Kay and his American Football Challenge.  Mel and Usha provided training advice and injury care for over 40 players over the last couple of months.

The ITV 2 programme which goes out this week on Wednesday 16th February followed Vernon Kay and his former junior American Football teammates reliving their dreams of playing American Football.  However they were not as young and some as fit as they used to be and Usha and Mel had their work cut out getting them up to the grade and keeping them fit to play.

The programme shows them training and their finale of a game against Birmingham University Team where the guys put up a valiant fight and you will watch to see the outcome!!

As well as working at Fine Fettle Usha Christmas is the head trainer for the London Cobras American Football team and Mel Healy is the head trainer for the GB Lions  and London Olympians American Football teams.  Both highly qualified in their field of training and injury support and rehabilitation. 

To book appointments with Usha or Mel please contact Fine Fettle on or call 01372 458984.  For further information about any therapist at Fine Fettle or for further details

Well done to both Mel and Usha - All at Fine Fettle are very proud of your achievements. 

VERNON - its about time you followed FinefettleMHC on twitter!!!

Tuesday, 4 January 2011


Well we’re a few days into the beginning of a brand new year and it’s more than likely you have made some New Year Resolutions –let me guess –“This is the year I’m going to lose weight and get fit?” How many times have you made these same resolutions and how long did you last?

Make 2011 the year that you finally change your ways, make this the year that you stop dieting for good because take it from me DIETS DON’T WORK! It’s not about dieting –that means deprivation usually accompanied by large helpings of guilt –been there before, recognise those negative feelings?

Make 2011 the year that you optimise your health instead and by that I mean waking up every morning full of energy, going through the day with a clear mind, mentally sharp, good concentration and with no energy dips or cravings. Feeling young physically and mentally and people commenting on how well you look! Doesn’t that sound a more positive approach?

Fine fettle’s Nutritional Therapist, Helen Williams and Kim Raine who runs Fine fettle’s boot camps have joined forces to set up Balanced Fat Loss Seminars. Our aim is to help you to achieve optimal health in 2011 –and the brilliant side effect of putting all our advice into practice is that as well as achieving optimal health you’ll lose weight as well!

If you go to our website you can download a free copy of Secrets to Easy Fat Loss

We’ve also organised a 1 day seminar on Saturday January 15th at the beautiful Manor House Hotel, Newlands Corner, Guildford. This day long event is a chance to get 2011 off to a flying start, the opportunity to find out the TRUTH about fat loss and learn the techniques and strategies that WORK, from some of the industry’s top professionals. Visit our website for full details and to book a place.

If you want more information on the seminar or on seeking nutritional guidance in the forthcoming year please contact me –I offer a free 15 minute no obligation consultation either by telephone, e-mail or you can call into the clinic for an informal chat.

Wishing you all a happy, healthy and nutritious 2011



Helen Williams



Nutritional Therapist

07731 865141