Well its 4 months now since I started "experimenting" with forefoot running. As mentioned in my last blog this is report is not in any way a scientific research piece. Rather an average runner trying to understand the mechanics behind this new "craze"
So for 4 months I have been running in my Mizuno trainers which have less built up support and firstly I have to say I love them. I find them really comfortable which was a surprise if I am honest after years of built up "comfy" looking trainers. Trying to run on my forefoot has however proved a little more tricky as I can't naturally land that far forward when I run and when tired my left foot starts to do it own thing!! I think my speed is too slow for forefoot, so early on I decided to consider my running as "less heel strike" instead. My stride has shortened and I keep my feet underneath me rather than throwing my feet forward ahead of me and breaking my forward momentum. I have found hills less difficult (nearly wrote much easier there!!) as I feel the shorter stride with feet under the body makes me fall forward increasing my forward momentum. I also find that up hills I really concentrate on my running form so this distracts me from the pain (nearly wrote enjoyment there!!)
So I am a convert, perhaps not to forefoot running in the pure form but I know that the compression forces that used to be put through my knees have lessened and I have actually found running easier.
My next challenge is the Badger Half Marathon and to date I have gone up to 9 miles in preparation. I still have 10 weeks so I will gradually train with my own " Less heel strike" foot pattern. Perhaps I will knock off half an hour......realistically I dont intend for a fast (for me) run but rather a pain free run.
Bring on the hills.
Will update you all on my training log soon.
Any stories of your experiences of forefoot please share!