Fine Fettle will be warning the general public that ‘Ignorance isn’t always bliss’ as it urges everyone to get their free blood pressure check during this year’s Know your Numbers! Week (12-18 September).
Fine Fettle Multi-healthcare in Bookham, Surrey is among over 1,500 official ‘Pressure Stations’ taking part in the nation’s biggest blood pressure testing event run by UK charity the Blood Pressure Association.
A shocking 1 in 3 adults has high blood pressure and a third of them have no idea as it has no symptoms. That’s around 5 million people whose lives are actually at risk because they don’t know their numbers.
Research from the Blood Pressure Association has revealed that almost three quarters of adults do not know their own blood pressure numbers. High blood pressure nearly always has no symptoms and for many people is ‘out of sight and out of mind’, but its effects can be devastating. It’s the UK’s biggest silent killer, being responsible for 60% of strokes and 40% of heart attacks. If it is detected though, it can be successfully managed.
Fine Fettle and the Blood Pressure Association are warning that ‘Ignorance really isn’t always bliss’. Adults should know their blood pressure numbers in the same way they know their height and weight and the only way to find out what they are is to have a blood pressure check. A quick, painless test can mean the difference between life and death or serious disability.
Fine Fettle will be offering free blood pressure checks at:
Fine Fettle Multi-healthcare, Rayleigh House, 32 High Street, Bookham, Surrey on Monday 12th September – 0900-1700
Thursday 15th September – 0900 - 1300
Friday 16th September – 1400-1800
Paul Newman, Chief Executive of the Blood Pressure Association, says,
“We are delighted Fine Fettle Multi-healthcare is taking part in Know your Numbers! Week 2011. Every organisation that takes part helps to emphasise the importance of knowing your blood pressure numbers and by offering the free checks could really be saving lives.”
“During this year’s campaign, we’re stressing the fact that ‘Ignorance isn’t always bliss’. High blood pressure is a dangerous condition when not managed and we hope everyone will take advantage of the free blood pressure checks to lower their risk of stroke and heart attack.”
To find out more about the campaign visit the Know your Numbers! website at
If you have a question about high blood pressure and would like to speak to someone over the phone, call the Blood Pressure Association’s Information Line on 0845 241 0989.
Notes to Editors:
• For more information on Know your Numbers! Week, call 020 8772 4980/4997/4992, or email
• To contact the Blood Pressure Association Press Office, call Claire McLoughlin on 020 8772 4992 or email
• For further information on Fine Fettle Multi-healthcare to arrange for your reporter to have their blood pressure checked, or for a photo or interview, please contact Helen Bullen at Fine Fettle Multi-healthcare on/at 01372 458984 or
• The Blood Pressure Association is the UK’s leading blood pressure charity working to lower the nation’s blood pressure. The charity provides information and support for people with high blood pressure and raises awareness to prevent the condition. For more information visit the charity’s main website at, or call 020 8772 4994.
• Fine Fettle Multi-healthcare provides a wide variety of complementary treatments all on one site. Our aim is to provide a one-stop centre where clients can choose or seek advice on a particular therapy for any condition or need. Fine Fettle offers a variety of therapies including: Osteopathy, Sports Massage, Acupuncture, Pilates, Personal Training, Therapeutic Massage, Hypnotherapy, Reflexology, Nutrition, Homeopathy and Counselling.
Facts about blood pressure from UK charity the Blood Pressure Association:
• One in three adults in the UK – 16 million – has high blood pressure. A third of these (5 million) don’t know they have the condition.
• High blood pressure has no obvious signs or symptoms. The only way to find out if you have the condition is to have a blood pressure check.
• Untreated high blood pressure is the major risk factor for stroke and heart attack. It is also a risk factor for heart and kidney disease and vascular dementia.
• A healthy blood pressure is a level of 120/80mmHg or less. If readings are consistently at or above 140/90mmHg, high blood pressure is diagnosed, and action should be taken to lower it.
• You can lower your blood pressure by having a healthier lifestyle, and, if necessary, by taking medication as directed by your doctor.
The Blood Pressure Association’s ‘Top five tips for a healthy blood pressure’:
1. Cut down on salt – don’t add it when cooking or at the table and check food labels to make sure you don’t eat more than 6g a day.
2. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables – at least five different portions every day
3. Watch your weight – try to reach the right weight for your height.
4. Exercise regularly – that doesn’t have to mean the gym, how about a regular lunchtime walk? 30 minutes five times a week is ideal, but if you are unsure about taking up exercise and how much, ask your GP..
5. Drink alcohol in moderation – no more than 3-4 units a day for men and no more than 2-3 units for women (a pint of normal strength beer = 2 units, a medium glass of wine = 2 units).