
Thursday, 22 March 2012

Team Fine Fettle/News

Well its been a bit of a long time since I blogged.  I had intended to download our newsletter that was finished a few weeks ago but the system wouldn't let me so no more excuses and here is some of our news....

Fine Fettle have been nominated for a "Customer Service" award in the Leatherhead Chamber of Commerce Business Awards.  We are delighted to be taking part again in the Leatherhead Chamber Awards and would love to do better than runner-up which we achieved in the Business Personality (me!!) and the Business Awards in 2011. My patients love to tell me I "almost" have a personality!!  However, not a bad outcome considering we were only just a year old but coming from a competitive background coming 2nd (even if it was twice) is just not close enough!!  So this year we would like to "win" something BUT we need your votes.  If you would like to cast a vote please go to:

  • click "vote now"
  • Enter your details and then tick the box next to Fine Fettle's entry (under the customer service catagory)
The closing date is May 1st 2012 but please get your votes in now!!  

GROUP CLASSES - Book now for classes after Easter break

Our group classes are proving very popular and next term starting the week of the 16th of April we will be running:

Pilates - Tuesday   1.15pm to 2.15pm and 2.15pm to 3.15pm

             Thursday  7pm - 8pm

Classes are filling up fast so please register you interest asap to guarantee a place on the next terms classes.

Our group classes are small groups only with a maximum of 10 clients attending (we like to keep it to 8).  This allows the instructor to carefully monitor the group and ensure that the right level is being given to each individual.  Our instructors are fantastic and everyone that goes just love Gail and Cheryl.  


Fine Fettle's new IBS support centre offers a multi-disciplinary approach including nutrition, Osteopathy, Hypnotherapy and Massage to support diagnosed sufferers.  Free drop in clinic to chat to a practitioner on Monday bi weekly.  Call reception to find out more 01372 458984


Well its that time of year again where the therapists at Fine Fettle head out to provide after care support for runners.  Last Sunday saw us at the Surrey Spitfire event run by the brilliant team at Events to Live from Ashtead.  The Spitfire is an event which lets a lot of runners who are training for one of the many marathons that are coming up in the next 6-8 weeks go the 20 mile distance.  

Luckily despite the forecast the weather held and the majority of the runners achieved their training goals of 20 miles.  

Fine Fettle donate all the takings from the charity events we do to the race charity which on this occasion was the  RAF rehabilitation centre at Headley Court in Leatherhead.  Team Fine Fettle raised over £330 for the charity - thank you to all the runners who donated money for their massage after the event.

Funniest part of our day was when the announcer said that runners could go to the "Massage Parlour" .  Not quite our ethos at Fine Fettle but it worked we saw a lot of runners!!

Its our 2nd Birthday!!

This is me on the 6th of April 2010 on our very first day of opening and on the 6th of April this year we will be two years old.

Time flies when you having fun and I have to honestly say I love my job and I work with some fantastic people.  I have also met some great people through work from patients, locals to business associates/friends.

During the two years the other practitioners have built up good patient lists at Fine Fettle and this has given me the chance to take up a part time position of Academic Vice Principal at the Irish College of Osteopathic Medicine which involves a few visits to Dublin per month and some time away from Fine Fettle working on undergraduate level teaching prep every week.  I am still able to treat patients 4 days a week and do my "reception" duties one day a week so I'm still heavily steering the business but nice to get back to my other expertise of lecturing and running undergraduate Osteopathic courses.  Variety is the spice of life and it does keep my knowledge of Osteopathy very current.

Other things I have got involved with over the last two years are the Leatherhead Chamber of Commerce where I am now a Director on the board and just recently I was asked to become a committee member for the Bookham Traders Association which I have accepted.  So I actually don't take the advice that I give to my patients, I work very hard, have very little time off to rest but I DO LOVE MY many people can say that?

Thanks to everyone who has supported Fine Fettle over the last two years and we are looking forward to many more and hopefully meeting even more of you.
