
Thursday, 10 January 2013

Blog Challenge Update


Well this post completes the challenge I set myself at the end of October 2012 to write a blog a week until Christmas, and here we are January 2013! In my defence I completed before Christmas but due to technical problems didn't manage to post until now.

I have surprised myself because I have really enjoyed the process of blogging. Sometimes I felt pressured for time, however when I decided I HAD to stop to write it, it didn't take me very long and afterwards I felt glad that I had written it, realising I was another step closer to achieving the goal I had set myself. Thinking about it, that's like a lot of things in life, we are often too busy being busy to stop and do something we enjoy.

I am reminded of a quote I read;

'The time to relax is when you don't have time'

Lily Tomlin

So I would like to set a challenge for those of you that would like to take it up.

In 2013 set aside  one hour of your time once a month to consciously do something that you've wanted to do but felt you didn't have time for. Make it your present to you. It's worth it.

Have a very Happy New Year and why not pop in and see me in Fine Fettle Thank you for reading my blogs and I hope 2013 brings you everything you want it to.



Sue Ford

Clinical Hypnotherapist/NLP Practitioner/NLP Life Coach
PS Have taken up my own challenge and will continue to blog but this time once a month. Would love to hear what challenges you have set yourselves.