
Thursday, 1 November 2012


My name is Sue and I am one of the hypnotherapists at Fine Fettle. Anyone who has met me knows how passionate I am about what I do, I wax lyrical about hypnosis and nlp  to anyone who stands still long enough to listen (I hasten to add I do stop if I see their eyes begin to glaze over - well mostly!)
When I see clients I talk a lot about three things in particular:-
1. Choices
2. Changes
3. Challenges

The other day I was thinking how much do I use these three things in my life - probably not as much as might be useful! So I have decided to bite the bullet and incorporate them more. Therefore I have set myself a challenge of writing a blog once a week until the end of the year.
I have always wanted to have a go at blogging but you know what it's like...... All the questions start flooding in:-
What shall I write about?
Will people be interested in what I have to say?
Have I got time?
And many more.....
However you can put loads of hurdles in front of something you want to do and put it off and delay it and think about it and discuss it.
The light bulb moment came when I realised 'you don't know unless you try!' Obvious really, but sometimes it's hard to see what 's under your nose.
So..... This is my FIRST BLOG...
I hope you enjoy reading them and I would love any comments back if you feel inclined.
My SECOND BLOG is going to be about the very thing I mentioned here, putting things off, in other words PROCRASTINATION.
See you next week

Hypnotherapist at Fine Fettle Multi-healthcare

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